Correcting common errors (found in HK learners’ writing) 1
Part 1
Retype the sentences below correcting the mistakes in each one. You may click on ‘See hint’ if you are unsure. Click ‘show answer’ to check your answers and score as you progress.
Year One learners need time to adapt university life.
Answer: The Staff Association�are against the president’s proposal.
The Staff Association were against the president’s proposal.
The Staff Association went against the president’s proposal.
The Staff Association fought against the president’s proposal.
The Staff Association voted against the president’s proposal.
The Staff Association spoke against the president’s proposal.
Explanation: Give birth is the phrase used for the active form of born. Born is a past participle form of the verb bear, so cannot be used with a subject such as she. (Verb forms: bear, bore, born)
Here, an �ed� adjective is needed with the verb be as it is with other participal adjectives to describe people�s feelings. E.g. be ashamed, be tired, be embarrassed, etc. Concerned is followed by about (like in worried about).
The error above is a direct translation from Cantonese but is not appropriate in English. Here, learners are not easy; understanding is easy, so we cannot write Hong Kong learners are easy. Here, you must use the structure It is + adj+ for +noun+ to (infinitive)�
The error above is a direct translation from Cantonese but is not appropriate in English. Here, I am not difficult; learn is difficult, so we cannot write I am difficult to learn English grammar. Here, you must use the structure It is + adj+ for +noun+ to (infinitive)�
Answer: He did not get the job due to�not preparing for the interview.
He did not get the job due to a lack of preparation for the interview.�
He did not get the job due to the fact that he did not prepare�for the interview.
Explanation: Lack is a verb in this sentence. When used as a verb, the preposition of is not needed. Lack of is a noun phrase and can be used as follows: There is a lack of cooperation between the two political parties.