Package 2 – Grouping strategies 1 – Identifying and selecting vocabulary groups
Activity 1
In this task you are going to do two vocabulary tests.
1. You will be shown 15 words on your screen for 30 seconds.
2. During this time you cannot write or type anything; just concentrate on remembering as many of the words as you can.
3. After 30 seconds, the words will disappear and a blank screen will appear on which you must type the words you can recall. When you have finished, click on the CHECK TEST 1 button and you can check your score.
4. When you have finished TEST 1, do TEST 2 in the same way and compare your scores.
5. Finally, when you have finished both tests, click on FEEDBACK to compare the answers.
Activity 2
Look at TEST 1 again, and drag and drop the words under the headings in order to group them more effectively.